ezlog documentation#


Modern, simple in use, colored logging library for python.

  • Formatting support

  • Stdout\Stderr\File handlers

  • Easy to use & add custom handlers

  • Colored and customizable

Quick start#

Just install this library via command:

pip install ezloglib

Create new file and write to it a code bottom. Result of this example you can see on the image on top.

import ezlog
import math

# declare stdout handler with log level - debug
sout_handler = ezlog.StdoutHandler(log_level='debug')

# initialize main logger
main_logger = ezlog.Logger('Main', handlers=[sout_handler])

# examples of the default log levels
main_logger.debug('This is {} message', 'debug')
main_logger.exception('This is {} message', 'exception')
main_logger.info('This is {} message', 'info')
main_logger.warning('This is {} message', 'warning')
main_logger.error('This is {} message', 'error')
main_logger.critical('This is critical message')

# pretty formatting + colored types
main_logger.debug('Int: {} List: {} Dict: {}', 13, [1, 2, 3], {'hello': 'world'})
main_logger.exception('Tuple: {} Bool: {} Bytes: {}', ('hello', 'world'), True, b'whois?')
main_logger.info('Float: {}', math.pi)
main_logger.warning('Exception (color): {}', NameError("name 'abc' is not defined"))

# example of the formatting
main_logger.info('{:<20}--{:>19}', 'pi is', f'{math.pi:.2f}')

# example exception logging
    printt('Hello, world!')
except Exception as e:
    # NOTE: You can use also debug, critical and other log levels to print exception
    main_logger.exception('Exception example', exception=e)

main_logger.info('It is continue work')